Friday, September 11, 2009

Three Guys from Nowhere - Episode Seven

On time and ready for the weekend baby! DJ, Todd and I are on point with the latest going on and shake ups at DC. We also discuss comics that came out THIS WEEK! Such as Blackest Night: Batman #2, Green Lantern Corps #40, War of Kings: Who Will Rule? and even Adventure Comics #2. And keep it under an hour this week! We also are still looking for a winner to the latest contest and football picks? Check it out!

Go to the site, or download the show

right here
or get it from iTunes. You know how to do that if you do. Also, email us at with thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude. I saw your post over on Topless robot and wanted to get a way of contacting you beyond just leaving a comment here. Though not an active podcaster, I am a broadcaster who's set up two new media departments for newspapers, which included several podcasts. If you want, I can let you know the basic stuff I let their staff know about podcasting and how we set everything up to sound and feel like a well-polished production.
